Latest Group News


January 2025: Yuezhengfei, Sude, Ruiqing, and Yidong joined our lab to complete their MRes reaserch projects. Welcome!

December 2024: Aaron, Michelle, and Ruby attended the 2024 RSC Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Meeting in York, all presenting posters. Ruby also gave a flash presentation for which she won a prize. Huge congratulations!

December 2024: Callum attended the Postgraduate Symposium on Future Directions for Chemical Synthesis 2024 in Bath, giving an oral presentation for which he won a prize. Massive congratulations Callum!

December 2024: We held our annual Christmas party and dinner, with a festive quiz and a gift exchange organised by Chris. Everyone had lots of fun! Thanks Chris and Happy Christmas!

November 2024: Xue, Sean, Ruby and Omar attended The Leverhulme Research Centre for Functional Materials Design's 3rd Biennial Materials Science Symposium in Liverpool. Ruby and Omar presented posters, with Ruby winning a poster prize. Congratulations!

October 2024: Welcome to our new starters: Xue (postdoctoral researcher); Aaron, Michelle and Sean (PhD students); Haseenah, Honor (final year MSci students); Jing (BSc student). And welcome back Josh, who is re-joining us postdoctoral researcher! We’re excited to work together.

October 2024: We secured funding through the Derek Wyles Equipment Fund for high throughput solid dispensing capabilities.

September 2024: Ruby attended the XIII International Symposium on Nano & Supramolecular Chemistry in Sardinia, Italy. She gave a flash talk and presented a poster, winning the best poster prize. Congratulations!


September 2024: Congratulations to Aulia who has been awarded the Nanomaterials Prize (annual award for best overall performance on the MRes in Nanomaterials) and the Sir Alan Fersht Prize (annual award for best overall Masters student thesis in the Department of Chemistry)!

September 2024: Our MRes students, Mani, Suqin and Aulia, complete their final assessments and prepare to leave the group - goodbye and good luck to all in their future endeavours!

September 2024: Becky secured funding from the CAMS Industry - Call MSI Grand Challenges 2023/24, in addition to renewing her Royal Society University Research Fellowship.

September 2024: Becky and Ruby attend the YoungMOFmeeting in Cambridge, with Becky delivering a plenary talk and Ruby presenting a poster.

September 2024: Chris delivered a talk at the Engineering Porous Materials at Multiple Scales (EPoMM) conference in Bath.


September 2024: Chris and Zarik attended the 17th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds and Porous Materials in Poznań, Poland. Both presented posters and talks, with Chris winning the Best Poster Award!

August 2024: Our work on “Dynamic and solid-state behaviour of bromoisotrianglimine” in collaboration with Anna Slater and Abbie Scholes has been accepted to Chemical Science and is available online!

August 2024: Gina Rai’s work, “A Combined Kinetic and Computational Analysis of the Palladium-Catalysed Formylation of Aryl Bromides”, has been uploaded to ChemRxiv as a preprint.

August 2024: The Greenaway Group was awarded the LEAF Silver Award as part of UCL’s Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework.


August 2024: Becky and Annabel attended the 2024 Accelerate Conference in Vancouver. Annabel presented a poster, “Streamlining the Automated Discovery of Porous Materials”, promoting her recent RSC Chemical Science paper.


July 2024: Becky delivered an invited speaker talk, “High-Throughput Approaches for the Discovery of Organic Materials”, at the TYC 7th Energy Materials Workshop.

July 2024: Zarik presented his talk “Organic Cage Rotaxanes” at the RSC’s Early Career Researcher Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry meeting in Glasgow.


July 2024: Well done to Chris for passing his early stage assessment, and congratulations to Callum and Omar for passing their late stage reviews!

July 2024: With great sadness we say goodbye to Josh, who is leaving the group - Thanks for all the hard work you’ve put in and all the laughs you’ve given us over the years!

July 2024: Zarik and Liam presented a talk to the department on the Greenaway Group’s Journey to LEAF Silver, as part of the department’s Sustainability Event.


July 2024: Aulia and Suqin attended the 8th International Conference on Materials Sciences and Nanomaterials (ICMSN 2024). Congratulations to Aulia for winning an award for her talk!

June 2024: Imperial Postgraduate Symposium - An excellent set of talks presented by Annabel, Hamish, Zarik and Ruby, and posters presented by Callum, Gina and Mathew.

Congratulations to Annabel who was awarded the prize for the best overall talk, and Ruby for winning the award for the best talk in the Materials and Molecular Design theme!


June 2024: Chris and Omar attended UKPorMat, with Omar winning a poster prize!

May 2024:Gas Uptake and Thermodynamics in Porous Liquids Elucidated by 129Xe NMR’, co-authored by Ben, was published in ACS Publication’s Physical Chemistry Letters.

April 2024: Annabel’s publication ‘Streamlining the Automated Discovery of Porous Organic Cages’ was selected as Chemical Science’s Pick of the Week and added to the HOT Article Collection!


March 2024: Becky presented a talk ‘High-Throughput Approaches for the Discovery of Organic Materials’ at UCL for their Chemical Sustainability Research Theme seminar.


March 2024: Ben, Zarik, Chris and Austin got involved in some Outreach at the Materials and Molecules Discovery Day held in the Invention Rooms at Imperial College’s Advanced Hackspace!


March 2024: Annabel’s debut first author publication, ‘Streamlining the Automated Discovery of Porous Organic Cages’, has been accepted to RSC’s Chemical Science journal!

March 2024: Congratulations to Ruby, who won the People’s Choice award at Imperial’s PhD Student and Postdoc Photo Competition with her entry ‘Making Waves’.

February 2024: The University of Liverpool and Imperial College London announce UK’s flagship AI for Chemistry Hub, with Becky as a co-investigator. The Hub aims to position the UK as a leader in digital chemistry by facilitating interdisciplinary research in the fields of AI, automation and robotics.

February 2024: Annabel delivered a talk, ‘Streamlining the automated discovery of porous organic cages’, at the Departmental Materials and Molecular Design Seminar, which was chaired by Josh.

December 2023: Our latest collaborative work ‘Dynamic and solid-state behaviour of bromoisotrianglimine’ with Abbie and Anna Slater is published as a preprint on ChemRxiv - congratulations Abbie!

December 2023: Becky, Ben, Annabel, Zarik, Ruby and Chris attended MASC2023 in Birmingham, with Annabel, Ruby and Zarik presenting posters!


December 2023: Josh, Ruby and Zarik attended the UCL workshop on Supramolecular Materials and Self-Assembly, with Ruby and Zarik delivering presentations, smashing it by all accounts!


December 2023: Congratulations to Michael Brand and Hamish Trowell on the acceptance of their concept review ‘Incorporating Photoresponses into Porous Liquids’ in Chem. Eur. J!

November 2023: Ruby flew to Boston, USA to deliver an invited speaker presentation on behalf of Becky entitled ‘From Porous Organic Cages to Porous Liquids: Translating Porosity from the Solid to Liquid State’ at MRS Fall! She presented work from the group as well as debuting her work on porous liquid crystals!


November 2023: Callum attended the Automated Intelligent Chemistry SCI Symposium in London, and the Automated Synthesis Forum 2023 in Basel, Switzerland.

November 2023: Becky gave an invited departmental seminar on the group’s recent work at the University of Birmingham!


November 2023: Our work ‘Streamlining the Automated Discovery of Porous Organic Cages’ in collaboration with Kim Jelfs is published as a preprint on ChemRxiv.

November 2023: Cristiana presented a poster on her summer research project at the annual UROP poster session.

November 2023: New group photo with lots of new members: Liam as a Group Research Technician, Aiden and Alex as React CDT PhD students, Yuntong for his final year MSci project, and Aulia, Mani, Suqin and Sean for their MRes projects!

October 2023: Omar presents his work performed using ATLAS in collaboration with the Petit group at the bp-ICAM 2023 annual conference. He also won the best poster prize!


October 2023: Ruby and Ben visit ISIS Neutron and Muon Source to take measurements on NIMROD!


October 2023: Some shiny new additions to the team (well, lab):


September 2023: Chris gave his final talk as part of the MRes in Advanced Molecular Synthesis Symposium, winning the Sue Gibson third prize! He will continue his studies as a PhD student within the group!


September 2023: Omar attended the Erlangen-Edinburgh School of Adsorption 2023 in Erlangen, Germany, gaining an understanding of the fundamentals of adsorption from experts in academia and industry.

August 2023: Becky is promoted to Senior Lecturer!

August 2023: Congratulations to Zarik and Hamish, who passed their Late Stage Reviews, and to Omar for passing his Early Stage Assessment!

August 2023: Ben presented the group’s work on PLs in an invited speaker presentation titled ‘From Porous Organic Cages to Porous Liquids: Translating porosity from the solid to liquid state’ at the ACS Fall Meeting in San Francisco, USA. The presentation was delivered in the 'Structure, Properties, and Applications of Porous Liquids Symposium' organised by Jessica Rimsza and Tina Nenoff.

July 2023: Ben’s Highlight article ‘Liquids with Permanent Macroporosity’ is available online at Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.!

July 2023: Congratulations to Gina for passing her Early Stage Assessment, and Ruby for passing her second year PhD viva!

July 2023: Our Comment article with Kim Jelfs, Alan Spivey and Sophia Yaliraki on training the next generation in the use of AI and automation is now online in Nature Reviews Chemistry - you can read more here

July 2023: Some of the group attended the ECR MASC where Bel presented her work and won another poster prize!


July 2023: Bel, Hamish, Zarik and Ruby all presented their research at the Department of Chemistry PG Symposium, with Bel winning the poster prize in the Materials and Molecular Design and Energy theme - congratulations to all!

July 2023: Bel, Hamish, Callum, Gina and Chris attended the React CDT Summer School!


July 2023: Congratulations to the new Dr Steven Bennett who passed his PhD viva! Steven was co-supervised by Becky with Prof. Kim Jelfs and came into the lab to experimentally realise some of his predictions, and developed the python scripts for our automated workflow!


July 2023: Becky presented some of the group’s work on high-throughput automation as a poster at ISMSC 2023 in Reykjavik, and as a keynote talk (albeit remotely due to COVID) at MC16 in Dublin!


July 2023: Cristiana joins the group for a UROP project funded by the Royal Society over the summer.

June 2023: We presented some of our research on porous materials and automation at the Great Exhibition Road Festival 2023 in collaboration with the ATLAS Facility. More information can be found here


June 2023: The lab was awarded the LEAF Bronze Award - big thanks to our sustainability champions Ben and Zarik!


June 2023: Becky gave an invited talk at the MOCA 2023 meeting in Pavia, Italy, with Ben and Bel also presenting their work as posters! It was great to visit Aaron who was an excellent host, and meet Valeria Amendola in person!


June 2023: Yuyang and Muye finished their research projects and gave their final year presentations, and Aaron finished his Erasmus project with the group - we'll miss you all, and good luck with your next steps!

June 2023: Massive congratulations to Muye who won best talk in the organic materials session for his final MSc research presentation!


May 2023: Bel presented a talk on her research at the GRS, alongside a poster at the GRC, Self-Assembly and Supramolecular Chemistry 2023 conference in Switzerland!


May 2023: Becky gave her inaugural lecture for her lectureship in the Department of Chemistry!

April 2023: Becky gave an invited departmental seminar at the University of Strathclyde, and Callum and Gina won best talk in their respective sessions at the CDT Data-driven Chemical Synthesis & Catalysis conference - congratulations both!!!

April 2023: The ATLAS (Automated high-throughput platform suite) Facility, for which Becky is a co-investigator and on the management board, officially launched!

April 2023: Vithu joined the group to complete her research projects as part of her postgraduate MSci in Digital Chemistry!

March 2023: The department celebrated International Women’s Day with an afternoon of panel sessions and talks, for which Ruby was one of the main organisers alonside the EDI team!


March 2023: Becky’s grant application is successful and the group receives a Royal Society Research Grant to work on a Closed-Loop Automated Workflow for Molecular Organic Materials Discovery.

February 2023: Our work on ‘Competitive Aminal Formation during the Synthesis of a Highly Soluble, Isopropyl-Decorated Imine Porous Organic Cage’ in collaboration with Andy Cooper and Kim Jelfs is accepted and online as an accepted article in Chem. Commun! Congratulations to Rachel and the team!

February 2023: Bel and Gina win best talks in each of their CDT Project Update Presentation sessions - massive congratulations!


January 2023: Our work on ‘Competitive Aminal Formation during the Synthesis of a Highly Soluble, Isopropyl-Decorated Imine Porous Organic Cage’ in collaboration with Andy Cooper and Kim Jelfs is online on ChemRxiv!

January 2023: Alannah joins the group to begin lab work for her MRes project, welcome!

December 2022: Ben, Josh and Bel attended MASC 2022 in Nottingham, and Josh presented his recent work on using organic cages as molecular building blocks in supramolecular assemblies!


December 2022: Becky, Ruby, Josh and Hamish attended the McBain Medal meeting on stimuli-responsive soft matter and interfaces at the SCI, and Ruby won the best poster prize for her poster debuting her work on porous liquid crystals! Congratulations Ruby!!!


November 2022: Aiting passed her PhD viva, congratulations Dr Kai!

October 2022: Our paper Photoresponsive Type III Porous Liquids has been accepted for publication in Chem. Eur. J. and is now available online as an open-access Accepted Article.

October 2022: We welcome new members to the group! Omar Al-Miqdadi joins us for his PhD (joint with Camille Petit in Chemical Engineering), Chris Oliwa joins us as part of the React CDT for his MRes and PhD, Yuyang Han and Muye Xiao join us for their final year research projects, and Aaron Bernardino joins us on an Erasmus placement as part of his masters studies.


September 2022: Becky attended and presented the group’s research at a joint A*Star-Imperial College Joint Symposium on Sustainability, and Ruby and Bel attended the Leverhulme Research Centre for Functional Materials 2nd Biennial Symposium, bumping into group alumni Mike!

September 2022: Peter (Catalysis MRes), Jiarong (Nanomaterials MRes), Pratik (Digital Chemistry MSc), and Gina, Callum, and Matthew (all React CDT MRes), have all finished and passed their vivas! And Pratik also won best presentation for his final talk in the Digital Chemistry Research Symposium! Massive congratulations to everyone, and now onto the next stage of your careers and PhDs!

August 2022: In collaboration with the Imperial College Advanced Hackspace, Becky organised a DigiFAB chemistry prototyping challenge that ran for 4 weeks over summer - 4 undergraduate students from Chemistry on UROP/DigiFAB summer placements worked together in a team to design and prototype a low-cost custom module for an open-source liquid handling platform! Thanks to David from ICAH, and Ben, Annabel, and Pratik for all their help in running the project, and Rohil, Venus, Jiajie and Mobasshir for all their enthusiasm and hard-work!


August 2022: Mike and Andy passed their PhD vivas, congratulations Dr Brand and Dr Marsh!

August 2022: Our work ‘Shining a Light on Photoresponsive Type III Porous Liquids’ in collaboration with Andy Cooper is online on ChemRxiv.

July 2022: Annabel, Ruby and Zarik all passed their PhD early stage assessments (1st year vivas) - massive congratulations, all working on such different projects and all absolutely smashing it! Now onto the 2nd year of your PhDs!


June 2022: Becky and half the group attend UKPorMat in Glasgow, with Ben, Annabel, Ruby & Jiarong presenting their work as posters, and Becky giving an invited plenary talk! Looking forward to the next event in Sheffield next year!


June 2022: Fernando and Justin finished their research projects in the group and gave their final year presentations - we'll miss you both in the group, and good luck with your next steps!

May 2022: Annabel and Steven presented their work at Pint of Science!


May 2022: Our review on porous liquids in collaboration with Kim Jelfs has been accepted in Chemical Science - big thanks and congratulations to Ben and Austin!

May 2022: We welcome Josh to the group who has joined us as a postdoctoral researcher, and Mike visited to give a presentation as part of the Synthesis & Catalysis Seminar series!

April 2022: Jasmine and Pratik joined the group to complete their research projects as part of their postgraduate MSci in Digital Chemistry!

April 2022: Our perspective review on porous liquids in collaboration with Austin Mroz and Kim Jelfs is accepted in Chemical Science and becomes available online.

March 2022: Annabel showcases her work on high-throughput automated synthesis of porous organic cages at the Second Joint CDT Conference in Data Driven Chemical Synthesis and Catalysis.


February 2022: The joint Jelfs and Greenaway group christmas laser tag belatedly goes ahead after being postponed by you-know-what. No PIs were harmed!

January 2022: Jiarong and Peter join the group to begin lab work for their MRes projects.

December 2021: Becky recieves the Royal Society URF Enhancement Award.

November 2021: Becky’s grant application is successful and she receives an EPSRC New Investigator Award to study new phases of molecular porous organic materials.

November 2021: Becky’s mini review on ‘Enabling Technology for Supramolecular Chemistry’ with Katie Ollerton and Anna Slater is published in Frontiers in Chemistry as part of the International Women of Supramolecular Chemistry Issue.

October 2021: We welcome Zarik to Imperial and the group for his PhD, and Fernando and Justin to the group for their MSc projects - welcome to the group Zarik, Fernando and Justin! We also welcome Gina, Callum, and Matthew, who are starting their MRes years as part of the React CDT and who Becky will be co-supervising!

September 2021: Our paper on ‘Melt-Quenched Porous Organic Cage Glasses’ is part of the Journal of Materials Chemistry A Emerging Investigators 2021 Themed Collection!

September 2021: Annabel has finished her MRes as part of the REACT CDT, passed her viva, and won the Sue Gibson Prize for best presentation at the Advanced Molecular Synthesis MRes Symposium - massive congratulations Annabel, and now onto the PhD!


September 2021: In collaboration with the Imperial College Advanced Hackspace, Becky organised a DigiFAB chemistry hackathon that ran for 4 weeks over summer - 6 undergraduate students from both Chemistry and Chemical Engineering on UROP summer placements worked in two teams to hack a solution and build an automated liquid handling platform and handheld probe turbidimeter! Thanks to David from ICAH, and Ben, Annabel, and Ciaran for all their help in running the projects! You can read more from the teams here:

September 2021: Our latest collaborative work with Andy Cooper and Kim Jelfs on type III porous liquids is now out as an Early View article in Advanced Functional Materials - congratulations to Aiting on leading this study, and Ben and Andrew Tarzia for their contributions!

August 2021: Our latest collaborative work and Steven’s paper on ‘Materials Precursor Score: Modeling Chemists’ Intuition for the Synthetic Accessibility of Porous Organic Cage Precursors’ has been accepted in the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - congratulations Steven!

August 2021: Ben passed his PhD viva, congratulations Dr Egleston!


June 2021: Sush handed in and finished her research project on investigating the guest-host behaviour of type II porous liquids using NMR spectroscopy - we'll miss you in the group, and good luck with your new job!

June 2021: Our work on 'Modular Type III porous liquids based on porous organic cage microparticles’ in collaboration with Andy Cooper is online on ChemRxiv.

May 2021: Becky gave a talk at the DigiFAB Institute launch in which she is one of the automation pillar leads, and a new MSc in Digital Chemistry course launched where Becky will be teaching a course in automation for chemistry!


May 2021: After a tough and disruptive year, we were finally able to go out as a group!


May 2021: Our latest collaborative work with Tom Bennett and Andy Cooper on melt-quenched porous organic cage glasses is now out as an Advance Article in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A - congratulations to Mike on leading this study and his 1st first author paper, to Francesca who did some of the initial proof-of-concept studies during a summer project, and Ben and Aiting for their contributions!

March 2021: Steven’s paper (and our latest collaborative paper with the Jelfs Group) on a high-throughput screening workflow for finding synthetically accessible porous organic cages is online on ChemRxiv!

March 2021: We welcome Steven Bennett to the lab for the final year of his PhD to experimentally validate some of his computational predictions - to quote Steven “A computational chemist doing some real chemistry... what could go wrong?”

March 2021: Andy gave his final year presentation at the 2021 Department of Chemistry virtual PhD Symposium at the University of Liverpool, and Aiting and Mike presented their work as posters! Congratulations to Andy for winning the runner up prize for his fantastic talk!

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February 2021: Becky gave an invited talk on ‘High-Throughput Approaches for the Discovery of Supramolecular Organic Materials: Fusing Computational Screening with Automated Synthesis’ as part of the AI3SD Winter Seminar Series

February 2021: Our work on the ‘Melt-Quenched Porous Organic Cage Glasses’ in collaboration with Tom Bennett is online on ChemRxiv!

February 2021: The lab is nearly fully setup, complete with Schlenk lines, polarising optical microscope, Linkam liquid crystal stage, sorption equipment, and our new automated liquid handling platform, parallel synthesis blocks, and evaporator which arrived this month - there’s no stopping us now!

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February 2021: Becky and Kim’s review on ‘Integrating Computational and Experimental Workflows for Accelerated Organic Materials Discovery’ is now out as an Early View in Advanced Materials

January 2021: Becky is now one of the Automation co-pillar leads in DigiFAB - a new Institute for Digital Molecular Design and Fabrication at Imperial College London

December 2020: We end the year with our group virtual Christmas meal, here’s hoping next year’s can be in person!

Group Christmas Meal 2020.jpg

December 2020: We wrap up the year with some successful equipment bids on which Becky was CoI - both an EPSRC Core Equipment Award for a Bruker SampleJET autosampler and EPSRC Strategic Equipment Award for ATLAS: Automated high-throughput platform suite for accelerated molecular systems discovery were funded!

December 2020: Becky has been invited to join the ChemPlusChem Early Career Advisory Board - she will work with them from January 2021!

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December 2020: Becky was on the organising committee for vMASC2020 which took place virtually on the 16th-17th December.

November 2020: The Greenaway Lab moves into its home in the MSRH (we even have a view) - now the fun unpacking and setup starts!

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November 2020: The EPSRC Strategic Equipment Award, ATLAS, is funded with Becky as a co-investigator to build a facility for high-throughput automated materials sysnthesis and screening.

November 2020: Ben gave an invited talk on porous liquids as part of the departmental Synthesis & Catalysis Seminar Series

October 2020: Becky gave an invited talk on High-Throughput Approaches for the Discovery of Supramolecular Organic Materials as part of the SCI Automated Intelligent Chemistry Webinar

October 2020: Sush joins the group to carry out her final year MSci project with us - we hope you enjoy your time in the group Sush!

October 2020: Becky received funding as a co-investigator on an EPSRC CORE Equipment Award to improve the available facilities at the MSRH, including installation of a Bruker SampleJET for high-throughput NMR analysis.

September 2020: We welcome our first PhD candidate, Ruby Morel, to Imperial - welcome to the group Ruby!

August 2020: We welcome our first group member at Imperial! Ben will be carrying out his postdoctoral research with us focusing on porous liquids.

July 2020: Becky has joined the Management Team of the Centre for Rapid Online Analysis of Reactions (ROAR) - you can learn more about ROAR and find information on the facility capabilities here.

July 2020: Becky and Kim’s mini-review ‘High-Throughput Approaches for the Discovery of Supramolecular Organic Cages’ has been accepted in ChemPlusChem as part of the special issue ‘Supramolecular Chemistry: Young Talents and Mentors

June 2020: We’re incredibly proud of Rach who passed her PhD viva - congratulations Dr Kearsey!

May 2020: Our work on the ‘Continuous and Scalable Synthesis of a Porous Organic Cage by Twin Screw Extrusion (TSE)’ came out in Chemical Science.

May 2020: Becky and the group join the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London, where she will be continuing her Royal Society University Research Fellowship.


April 2020: Our work on the ‘Continuous and Scalable Synthesis of a Porous Organic Cage by Twin Screw Extrusion (TSE)’ in collaboration with Debbie Crawford is online on ChemRxiv.

March 2020: Becky gave a departmental seminar at Keele University, and spent a week working on a new collaboration with Matt O’Brien thanks to a Dial-a-Molecule Interdisciplinary Mobility Funding.

February 2020: Our work on ‘Organic Cage Dumbbells’ came out in Chem. Eur. J.

January 2020: Our latest work on porous liquids ‘Controlling Gas Selectivity in Molecular Porous Liquids by Tuning the Cage Window Size’ was published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

January 2020: Our latest collaborative paper with the Jelfs Group (Imperial) on ‘Computational discovery of molecular C60 encapsulants with an evolutionary algorithm’ came out in Communications Chemistry.

January 2020: We kick off the year with the 2020 Department of Chemistry PhD Symposium where both Rach and Ben gave their final year PhD talks, and Andy presented his second year poster. Congratulations to Rach for winning the prize for best talk!


December 2019: Becky and Ben attended MASC in Kent where Ben won a prize for the best flash talk! Keep your eyes peeled for RAMS 2020 which is being held in Liverpool next year (organisers - Anna Slater, Becky, John Ward, Marc Little).


December 2019: We are advertising the first funded opportunities to join the group - both PhD and PDRA positions are available. More information can be found here.

November 2019: Becky attended the 2019 New Research Fellows' Induction Day at the Royal Society.


November 2019: Becky gave an invited talk on porous liquids at the Advances in Solvent Based Technologies day at York.

October 2019: Becky gave an invited talk at the International Workshop on Multifunctional Advanced Materials at ECUST in Shanghai, visited the chemistry department at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, and met researchers in the materials department at ShanghaiTech University.


September 2019: Our latest collaborative paper with the Jelfs Group (Imperial) and Day Group (Southampton) on ‘From Concept to Crystals via Prediction: Multi-Component Organic Cage Pots by Social Self-Sorting’ came out in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

September 2019: Becky gave a talk at RAMS 2019 in Liverpool, and a flash presentation at the Chemical Science Functional Organic Materials Symposium in London.


September 2019: Our latest paper on the high-throughput discovery of porous liquids has been highlighted in Chemistry World.

August 2019: Our paper on ‘Accelerated Robotic Discovery of Type II Porous Liquids’ came out in Chemical Science as part of the themed collection 2019 Chemical Science HOT Article Collection.

August 2019: Becky chaired a session and gave two talks on our work on porous liquids and high-throughput automation at the ACS in San Diego.

August 2019: Our paper on ‘Computational Screening for Nested Organic Cage Complexes’ in collaboration with the Jelfs group (Imperial) came out in Molecular Systems Design & Engineering.

July 2019: Becky gave a talk at MC14 in Birmingham, and at ESOC 2019 in Vienna where she also enjoyed scooting around with Mike & Kerry from Asynt, and Emma & Ian from Fluorochem.


July 2019: We presented some of our research on molecular cages at the Big Bang North West 2019 in collaboration with the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry. More information can be found here


July 2019: Becky was awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship on ‘Molecular Assembly in Porous Liquids’ - she will take up her new post in October at the University of Liverpool. More information can be found here